Check out everything you need to know about R.I.S.E
What I Do
I have been and will continue to work on and find solutions for all user tech. While you're here you will be able to receive a wide variety of help for nearly any computer problem and phone issue. Head on over to the Tech Support tab to see all of the guides, tips, and much more to help get your device back up and running as well as new.
Have an issue that needs to be resolved right away? Don't panic, contact me personally with an email and I will get with you 1 on 1 to get this situation resolved either by chat or in person (within distance)
Just browsing around the site? Be sure to check out Cables Corner, a page that has the information on any tech cable you may be looking for
There are some areas I do not currently cover
Although I am proficient with technology, there are some areas of the tech field I do not currently work in:
1.) Apple products and handheld devices
2.) Game consoles
3.) Television/monitor repairs, I have fixed some screens before but not enough to make it a service yet
4.) I will not accept devices through the mail for repair, I have had bad luck with receiving and sending back devices.
5.) Broken ports or peripherals
6.) Please refer to my FAQ page for more information
Interested in my tech services?
I want to thank all those who visit the website daily, whether by interest or a returning visitor seeking information for tech repair.
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