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Support and Feedback

Shoot me a message

Only use this form for long detailed messages, use the messenger tab (bottom right) for short and simple messages


Thanks for your interest in my tech services. Please fill out the email form below, click submit and I will get back to you soon.

Recommended information to be provided in your email:

  • Basic explanation of your problem


  • Service location, this will only be needed if I need to repair the device in person


  • Phone number(I will not reach you at a social media message board)


  • Anything you have done to fix it(this will allow me to skip any steps you have done to save time)



Any messages that appear irrelevant or inappropriate will be discarded and the sender's email

will be blocked and marked as spam.

Success! Message sent. You can expect a reply within the next 12 hours. Please send another if you have not recieved a response.

Neon blue email
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