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Settings managed by your organization

Some settings are managed by your organization

What causes this issue

This error can be caused by a few things:

  • Viruses and malware

  • Third party programs interfering with Windows settings


'Some settings are managed by your organization' can also be active on the system if the system is part of a company or school organization, this means that it is not an error but set up for the organization.



If you are getting this error on a school or company computer, contact the administrator for help before using this guide, I am not responsible if you use this page to access settings that were blocked off by the administrator.


Why you should remove it

You should get this error removed from your computer because it limits the settings that you can toggle, limiting the 'personal' aspect of 'personal computer'


Although some settings are usually left alone (like time/date), there are some settings that will be blocked that you may want to toggle such as:

  • Privacy

  • Some customizations

  • Can even block browser settings and webpages


I am here to help you solve this issue, I have encountered this only a few times and have been able to remove the error each time using the methods below


The methods

 The following methods will be used to remove the annoying "Some settings are managed by your organization" error.

  1. Changing the diagnostic data settings

  2. Editing the 'Local group policy editor'

  3. Modifying the Registry editor

  4. Deleting the error causing Registry strings

  5. Changing the Telemetry settings in Registry editor


Diagnostic Data Settings

The diagnostic data is what Microsoft uses for improving windows through updates and keep it up to date, some settings may be disabled causing this specific error to appear.


In order to adjust the diagnostic Data, you will need to do the following:


Step 1.) Open settings

Open start>Select Settings or press the Windows key + I


Step 2.) Now select 'Privacy and Security' on the left panel, then select 'Diagnostics & Feedback' on the right panel


Step 3.) All you need to do now it make sure the 'Send Optional Diagnostic Data' option is set to "on"












All that's left is to restart the computer to test if this method removed the issue.

Step 2 of Diagnostics Data Method
Step 3 of Diagnostics Data method
Group Policy Editor
Where to find "Allow Diagnostic Data" in Gpedit.msc

Local Group Policy

The Local Group Policy is a collection of settings that control the computer and user configurations on the system.


Editing the policy is easy and I'll show you how to open it and what you'll need to change.


Step 1.) Open the Group Policy Editor (GPE)

Press Windows Key + R to open run

type "gpedit.msc" then press enter


If you are unable to open GPE, you either do not have administrator privileges, or you are running Windows Home.


You can download the Group Policy Editor here: 




Another option would be to upgrade your edition of Windows to Windows (10 or 11) Pro or higher, check out my page explaining the different versions, which one is right for you, and how to upgrade/where to purchase




Alright, back to the guide


Step 2.) With Gpedit opened, locate "Allow Diagnostic Data"

Heres how: (refer to image on left)

  • Expand Computer configuration

  • Expand Administrative Templates

  • Expand Windows Components

  • Select Data Collection and Preview Builds

  • Right-click Allow Diagnostic Data

  • Select Edit


Step 3.) You will need to do the following:

  • Set the status to "Enabled"

  • Change the option to "Send optional diagnostic data"

  • Click APPLY then OK













Now restart your computer and see if this solved the issue

What to do in allow diagnostic data

Modifying the Registry

This will require going into the Registry and deleting a specific key in a string, this is separated from the "Removing Registry strings" method because doing both methods at the same time could result in damage to the computer.


This will only take a few steps


Step 1.) Open the Registry Editor

Open Start>Search Regedit>Run as administrator


Step 2.) In the registry, go to the following key:



Step 3.) Right-click the 'Wuserver' key and delete it


That's it, now close the registry and restart the

computer to check for the error

Modify the Registry Step 2 and 3

Removing Registry Strings


Just like the previous method, this one consists of deleting registry keys, I will be using the Command Prompt for this solution because it speeds up the process rather than manually searching the Registry


Step 1.) Open the Command Prompt

Open Start>Search CMD>Run as administrator


Step 2.) The following keys will need to be deleted from the system, type or copy/paste then press enter for each key, one at a time. There are a total of 11 keys that will need removed


Example: reg delete "REGISTRY KEY" /f  (Press enter)


NOTE: Some may say something like "Incomplete search, couldn't locate, or something similar. Don't sweat, this is common, it's even happened to me, there will not be an issue unless every key says something like that.


reg delete "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies" /f

reg delete "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost" /f

reg delete "HKCU\Software\Policies" /f

reg delete "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Policies" /f

reg delete "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies" /f

reg delete "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsStore\WindowsUpdate" /f

reg delete "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\WindowsSelfHost" /f

reg delete "HKLM\Software\Policies" /f

reg delete "HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Policies" /f

reg delete "HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies" /f

reg delete "HKLM\Software\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsStore\WindowsUpdate" /f


You might not have to restart the system for this solution to take effect, but I still recommend it

Telemetry Settings

This method will use both the Registry Editor and the Serivices, I will walk you through how to change the Telemetry data information and how to enable it 


Step 1.) Open Regedit

Open Start>Search Regedit>Run as administrator


Step 2.) Navigate to the following key:



Step 3.) Right-click the DWORD string called "AllowTelemetry" and select 'Modify'


If you need to create the AllowTelemetry string


Step 4.) Change it's value data to 1









Now we will be using the Services program to enable the Telemetry service and set it to start when the computer starts up


Step 5.) Open the Serivces program

Open RUN (Win Key+ R)>Search Services>Run as administrator


Step 6.) Locate the service called "Connected User Experiences and Telemetry" and double-click it to open its settings


Step 7.) You will need to do the following in the telemetry settings:

  1. Go to its general tab

  2. Set the startup type to 'Automatic' not the delayed startup one

  3. Start the service (if it's not already)

  4. Select OK


Now thats all you need to do, restart the computer and check for the error


To create a new string:

  1. Right click on an open space in the right panel

  2. Select new, then DWORD (32-bit) value

  3. Name the string "AllowTelelmetry"

  4. Select OK

Change the Registry sting to 1
How to create a new Registry sting
Telemetry Settings

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