This week has been very productive with RISE work—so productive that I have managed to get not one but TWO new modules built. These are the Translator and the PIP tools modules. Both are uploaded on my GitHub page for anyone to use.

This module is incredible because it supports 106 unique languages, lists them on command, and displays the translations on screen.
With any of my modules, this did not come without some difficulties. These consisted of:
Manually typing the language name and code
Freezing and crashing
Testing every language
The supported languages are in the files on my GitHub since I do not want to bore you here with a massive list.
PIP Tools
This module is more for coders and programmers that use python
This module will do the following:
Display all packages on the system
Install the packages I have provided
Upgrade all packages to the latest version
Upgrade the PIP tool
As someone who hates manually upgrading every PIP I have installed (when a project calls for it), it's great to have a tool that can do it for me
I am working on a feature to search for packages as well; this would eliminate the manual install process for new PIPs.
As for now, I am going through my modules and resolving any known errors before adding new ones to the code; this will minimize trouble down the road.
That's it for this week, Be sure to subscribe to the newsletter so you get alerted when a new post drops and stay up to date on all things David's Tech Repair and RISE