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Website Update 5/12/24

Multiple pages have been completed:

  1. Find Wi-Fi password

  2. Quick Access showing duplicates

  3. Drives not appearing

  4. Windows Activation Errors

  5. Files too large for drives

  6. Taskbar Issues (Combined both pages)

Once the desktop site is complete, I will begin working on the mobile friendly version

QOL Updates

  • Removed the search bar until WIX fixes it

  • Added more sections to pages for easier navigation

  • Some images no longer enlarge when clicked, only the ones that are part of guides

Added the following pages to dropdown menu:

  • Drive types explained

  • Windows Activation error codes

  • ViaSat repair job


  • Added LinkedIn to resume page

  • Google translate icon appears over text but doesn't do anything

  • R.I.S.E for the website will begin production when mobile version of site is finished

Stay tuned for more updates and join the newsletter so you can see updates as soon as they happen. Be sure to share this with anyone interested in tech support and tech information.

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